Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lions and Tigers and...

The past week has brought some bright days to our drab February.

Last Friday we were given the day off of volleyball and used the time to go to the zoo. At least three times a week we bike past the Odense Zoo to get to practice and each time I tell myself "one day I'll go". It was the perfect day with a hint of sunshine and a free pass to get in. We walked the park and I almost felt as though I was home. If there was no snow on the ground and the weather was a littler higher than the 20s it would have been seemed like I was at the Wild Animal Park. When our walk through warm "South America" was over and our double socks and down gloves no longer did the trick of keeping us warm we called it a day. We went to a tasty 200kr ($40) dinner [I still cant believe I spent that much on a dinner that would have been maybe $15 in the States, cray!] and tried to get our monies worth. We ate nearly more than our bellies could hold which we found out the next day was not the best prematch meal.

The next morning we woke up bright and early and made our way to Gentofte to play in one of our final matches. It was an easy win for us in under an hour even with our food coma still lingering from the night before.

We're coming down to the last week of league play with only 2 games left. It looks as though with the point system we'll be playing the number one team Holte the first round of playoffs. We've seen them more times than any other team and call their gym our home away from home. The play off system is best out of 5 matches so we'll see them 3 times for sure. Hopefully it'll only be 3 times with us being the victors.

With league play coming to an end and time before playoffs start a break has been given to us. And with break comes travel! So our tickets have been booked and in a week I will be in... LONDON! 
It has been a dream of mine to go to the UK and I am so blessed to have the chance to. General plans are being made but with so much to see and minimal time and budget nothing has been set in stone. It hasn't fully set in that I am going, just like the fact that I'm living in Europe has not seemed to be a reality, but I am so very excited. Outfits are being decided and days are quickly dwindling. Many photos will be taken and instagram will be in overload so don't worry I will share Westminster Abby and the Queens Castle with all my fellow Downton Abby lovers.

The sun showed itself a few times this week but mother nature soon remembered it was winter and decided to take it away. Snow has fallen once again and the wind seems to constantly blow against us when biking but none of that matters because in a week I'll be in London! 

I hope you are all enjoying your weeks. Eat a few yummy American Valentines candy for me and don't forget to give a loved one a hug and a kiss.


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