Tuesday, January 22, 2013

In a nut shell.

Much has happened these last few weeks. 
Here's a little recap...

Two weekends ago a few girls from the team were asked to help at the sports festival where we set up a little net and played volleyball with kids and adults and had the chance to signed a few autographs. Once the festival was over we put on our fancy dress and participated in the award ceremony and an elagent dinner. It was not quite what I  had expected seeing as our ESPY awards are quite extravagant, but it was so neat to be apart of the celebration! 

The week carried on in the same format as usual. Due to the cold weather going outside is not on the top of the list for things to do, but after being inside watching movies day in and day out Betsy and I have found ourselves a little spot at the coffee shop downtown. We'll take our books and study for hours and the simple change in scenery is keeping us sane for the time being. 

This weekend was the Polkafestival, the largest volleyball event in Denmark. On Saturday I had the opportunity to play in the beach tournament and it made me miss my sunny California days. My teammate and I did well, taking third in the tournament. It was nice to be back on the sand but I definitely felt the difference from going from indoor to sand and not having my sand legs anymore. Sunday brought the Danish Cup game. To be honest I was utterly bitter sitting in the arena surrounded fans and not being the one on the court. The game was an easy win for Holte in 3 and it made me all the more frustrated knowing we've beaten them. The mens game was a little more exciting going to four and our guys came out on top! 

It's been a fun couple of very cold weeks. I can not believe it is already the end of January. My time here is dwindling and I am constantly trying to get the most out of it. A couple of trips to other parts of Europe are in the making and downtown days are a constant. Though home is missed and warm weather is wanted I still am so thankful for my stay here. 

I hope you all are enjoying the first weeks of the new year. Stay adventurous this week.


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